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Showing posts from September, 2020

A state of Peace

There is something so beautiful about being at peace. Knowing that life will throw many distractions, obstacles, and challenges your way, but that you are at rest. Knowing that whatever the outcome, it is working out in your favor and that God is in control.  Whether it be health, relational, financial or spiritual, life has a way of testing our ability to believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our finite minds can only see the outcome based on the challenge in front of us. It cannot see what is awaiting us at the end. It cannot comprehend that something good can be produced from something seemingly bad. Let's not get it twisted, being at peace does not eliminate the problem, but rather, it protects us from being overcome by it. One can only think about the COVID-19 pandemic that we are currently facing and become overwhelmed. We are fighting an enemy we cannot see and are left at the mercy of those who choose not to obey the protocols. We can do all we can and sti...