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Redeemed to Succeed

As COVID-19 grips the attention of every nation on the planet I can only think about the hope that this Easter season brings us. Today on this Good Friday I sit and reflect on the goodness of the Lord in a time where to some it may seem like the enemy is winning. Death, fear, depression and lack pervades the atmosphere. However, my faith in God tells me that I have a hope in spite of everything transpiring around me. His sacrificial act of love on the cross ensured that today I would have a hope beyond the fear. 

For you see, my relationship with God has always been, and will continue to be beyond my 30's, my foundation. I can be the best version of myself because God paid the ultimate price for me so that I can live above fear, doubt, worry and insecurity. Without God there would be no me and this truth has become even more real to me as I walk out my thirties. 22 years ago on a Good Friday like this, I immersed myself through water baptism into the Kingdom of God and I have never been the same. Has the journey been hard? Oh most definitely! Have I made mistakes? Without a doubt!  I am not perfect, never claimed to be, but His death, burial and subsequent RESURRECTION meant that sin would no longer have power over me. I could be placed in the grave and left to die because of my mistakes but the resurrection power of Christ would guarantee an alternate ending. 

Donnie McClurkin says it best ...

'... Well the Cross will always represent the love God had for me
When the Lord of glory, Heaven sent gave all on Calvary 
He did it just for me, just for me 
Jesus came and did it just for me ...'

Today it is not about the bun and cheese, parties and family gatherings. I will not be ungrateful because I am quarantined at home not knowing when things will be back to normal. Instead I choose to have an attitude of gratitude because I have life, because the Lord paid the ultimate sacrifice for me. Death physically and spiritually was my lot but His selfless act reversed the curse so I can live out my 30's in style. 

#EasterMeditation #RedeemedtoSucceed


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